Enthusiasm for Local Athletes

This month during Swooper Citizens, we are focusing on the trait of enthusiasm.  What better way to show enthusiasm than to cheer at a local sporting event?  Mrs. Delwiche and I decided to take our classes on a field trip to the local Special Olympics track and field event.  It just so happened that we had a chance to meet one of the athletes beforehand!  Last week, we were visited by Andrew and his mother.  You can read about Andrew on Mrs. Delwiche’s blog, here:

There’s an athlete in the house!


We made signs and flags to cheer on Andrew and the other athletes, put on our sunscreen and hats, and got ready to go!  The events started a little later than planned, so, while we didn’t get to see Andrew compete, we did get to see the opening parade.  I was surprised and happy to see my own elementary, junior high, and high schools represented at the event, as well. It was all very exciting and there were great examples of enthusiasm everywhere (including the amazing MC that can be heard in the video below!)