Fraction Pizzeria

We are working with fractions right now, which can be a challenging concept for first graders.  Our class has been working hard to understand how to write, read, and represent fractions with pictures.  The third grade class is also working with fractions at their level, so Mrs. Green and I decided to pair our classes for a fun fraction pizza event.

Each first grader worked with a third grader.  They took on the roles of pizza chefs at Fraction Pizzeria.  Mrs. Green and I were the restaurant managers, and we communicated our customers’ orders to the chefs.  The orders were placed in fractional form so that, for example, the chefs were asked to create a pizza that might be 2/8 mushrooms, 2/8 peppers, 1/8 pepperoni, and 3/8 onion.  The third graders helped the first graders understand that the denominator shows how many pieces of pizza should be cut and the numerator shows how many pieces get that particular topping.

Finished pizzas displayed in our classroom windows

We followed up this activity in our classroom today by analyzing some pre-made “pizzas” and naming the fractions they represented.  Next week, we will work with fractions of a set of items.